Kaitlyn M. Werner, PhD
NIH Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Invited Talks
Werner, K. M. (2021, May). Beyond willpower. Presented at the Duckworth Lab Meeting, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. [virtual]
Werner, K. M. (2021, April). Integrating models of self-regulation. Presented at the Regulation, Affect, and Development (RAD) Lab, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. [virtual]
Werner, K. M. (2021, February). Pre-registration and registered reports. Presented at the Reproducible, Interpretable, Open, and Transparent Science (RIOTS) seminar, Durham University, Durham, England. [virtual]
Werner, K. M. (2021, January). Self-control: An integrative framework. Presented at the Rationality Enhancement Research Group, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany. [virtual]
Werner, K. M. (2021, January). What is willpower? Presented at the Department of Developmental Psychology, University of Hildesheim, Hildesheim, Germany. [virtual]
Werner, K. M. (2020, May). The flexible nature of self-control. Presented at the Duckworth Lab Meeting, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. [virtual]
Werner, K. M. (2020, February). Do we really need self-control? Understanding how motivation influences the perception of desires. Presented at the Department of Psychology, Durham University, Durham, England.
Werner, K. M. (2020, February). Do we really need self-control? Understanding how motivation influences the perception of desires. Presented at the Department of Psychology, University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland.
Werner, K. M. (2019, January). An introduction to the Open Science Framework and pre-registration. Presented to the Forensic Psychology Research Group, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON.
Werner, K. M. (2018, November). An introduction to the Open Science Framework and pre-registration. Workshop presented at Department of Psychology Statistics Club, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.​
Werner, K. M. (2018, October). Motivation and self-regulation: The role of want-to motivation in the processes underlying self-regulation and self-control. Presented at the Social and Economic Cognition Lab Meeting, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany.
Werner, K. M. (2018, July). To regulate or not to regulate? Understanding how motivation influences the perception of desires. Presented at the Department of Psychology, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany.
Werner, K. M. (2018, April). Motivation and the visual perception of desire.Presented at the Social and Economic Cognition Center (SoCCCo) Lab Meeting, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany.
Werner, K. M. (2018, March). Increasing transparency and reproducibility in psychological science. Presented at the Department of Psychology Pro-Seminar, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON.
Werner, K. M. (2017, September). An introduction to the Open Science Framework and pre-registration. Workshop presented at Research Transparency and Reproducibility Training (RT2), Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences, London, England.
Werner, K. M. (2017, March). Transitioning to a more open psychological science: Creating a customized workflow to maximize productivity, security, and transparency. Colloquium presented at the Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY.
Symposia and Workshops
Werner, K. M., & Kalokerinos, E. K. (under review). Building strong foundations in affect regulation. Symposium submitted to the 21st Annual Conference of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, San Francisco, CA. Speakers: Elise Kalokerinos, Kaitlyn Werner, Gal Sheppes, and Matthew Southward.
Werner, K. M., Yucel, M., Hudson, S. T. J., & Willroth, E. C. (under review). Fantastic postdocs and where to find them. Professional development session submitted to 21st Annual Conference of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, San Francisco, CA.
Werner, K. M. (2020, May). Transitioning to a more open psychological science: How to increase transparency one step at a time. Professional Development Workshop submitted to the 81st Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal, QC. (conference cancelled)
Werner, K. M., & Levine, S. L. (2020, May). Increasing transparency and reproducibility in psychological science. Professional Development Workshop submitted to the 81st Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal, QC. (conference cancelled)
Werner, K. M., & Saunders, B. (2020, May). Building a strategy toolbox to enhance self-regulatory success. Symposium to be presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting for the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL. Speakers: Blair Saunders, Sebastian Bürgler, Marina Milyavskaya, and Kaitlyn Werner. (conference cancelled)
Werner, K. M., & Friese, M. (2019, March). Beyond inhibition: Current directions in self-control. Symposium submitted to the International Convention on Psychological Science, Paris, France. Speakers: Kaitlyn Werner, Malte Friese, Blair Saunders, and Marina Milyavskaya.
Werner, K. M. (2019, February). Doing research elsewhere. Personal development panel submitted to the 18th Annual Conference of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, Portland, OR.
Werner, K. M., & Kahn, L. (2018, May). Pathways to success: Novel mechanisms and intervention strategies to increase self-regulation and goal pursuit. Symposium accepted to be presented at the 30th Annual Meeting for the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA. Speakers: Kaitlyn M. Werner, Marleen Gillebaart, Esther Papies, and Lauren Kahn.
Werner, K. M., Guilfoyle, J., & Tabri, N. (2017, June). A beginner's guide to increasing transparency and reproducibility in psychological science. Workshop presented at the 78th Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.
Werner, K. M. (2017, June). Novel perspectives in examining the role of need supportive and controlling parenting styles across life domains. Symposium presented at the 78th Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.
Speakers: Catherine F. Ratelle, Jean-Michel Robichaud, and Kaitlyn M. Werner
Werner, K. M., Lord, A., & Keneski, E. (2015, February). Preparing for the academic job market: From start to finish. Symposium presented at the 16th Annual Conference of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, CA.
Speakers: Jeremy P. Jamieson, Danu A. B. Stinson, Serena Chen, and Paul W. Eastwick
Paper Presentations
Werner, K. M., & Ford, B. Q. (under review). Comparing measures of strategy repertoire in the regulation of desires. Paper submitted as part of K. M. Werner and E. K. Kalokerinos (co-chairs), Building strong foundations in affect regulation. Symposium submitted to the 21st Annual Conference of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, San Francisco, CA.
Smith, A. M., Werner, K. M., & Ford, B. Q. (under review). The impact of socioeconomic status and hardships on well-being over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Paper presentation submitted to the 21st AnnualConference of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, San Francisco, CA.
Wu, R., Werner, K. M., & Ford, B. Q. (2021, May). Benefits of having a well-equipped strategy toolbox during goal pursuit. Paper submitted as a Flash Talk to 32nd Annual Meeting for the Association for Psychological Science [virtual].
Werner, K. M., & Ford, B. Q. (2021, May). Abandoning willpower: An alternative approach to self-control. Paper to be presented as part of M. Hennecke (chair), Beyond willpower: Self-regulation strategies and metacognition for self-control in everyday life. Symposium presented at the 13th Annual Meeting for the Society for the Study of Motivation [virtual].
Lopez, R., Cosme, D., Hofmann, W., Saunders, B. & Werner, K. M. (2021, May). Effects of spontaneous and instructed use of self-regulatory strategies on food desires in daily life. Paper to be presented as part of M. Hennecke (chair), Beyond willpower: Self-regulation strategies and metacognition for self-control in everyday life. Symposium presented at the 13th Annual Meeting for the Society for the Study of Motivation [virtual].
Werner, K. M., Inzlicht, M., & Friese, M. (2021, February). Why willpower is not (entirely) overrated: Examining the motivational boundaries of using inhibition during goal pursuit. Paper accepted to be presented at the 20th Annual Conference of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology [virtual].
Werner, K. M. (2021, February). Personal and professional experiences regarding grant funding. In Z. G. Baker (Chair), The ins and outs of grant-getting for early career scholars. Panel participation at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology [virtual].
Lopez, R. B., Cosme, D., Werner, K. M., Saunders, B., & Hofmann, W. (2021, February). Associations between use of self-regulatory strategies and daily eating patterns: An experience sampling study in college-aged females. Data Blitz accepted to be presented at the 20th Annual Conference of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology [virtual].
Werner, K. M., Inzlicht, M., & Friese, M. (2020, May). Why willpower is not (entirely) overrated: Examining the motivational boundaries of using inhibition during goal pursuit. Paper submitted to the 13th Annual Meeting for the Society for the Study of Motivation, Chicago, IL. (conference cancelled)
Werner, K. M., Inzlicht, M., & Friese, M. (under review). The upside of inhibition: Willpower as an effective strategy in the pursuit of want-to goals. Paper submitted as part of M. Hennecke and M. Friese (chairs), Motivation and self-regulation: From basic drives to personal goal pursuit. Symposium submitted to the 52nd Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Vienna, Austria. (conference cancelled)
Wu, R., Werner, K. M., & Inzlicht, M. (2020, May). The benefits of giving into temptation: Examining the relation between motivation and (dys)functional licensing during goal pursuit. Datablitz submitted to the 81st Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal, QC. (conference cancelled)
Werner, K. M., Milyavskaya, M., & Inzlicht, M. (2020, May). Extending the process model of self-control: An updated theoretical account of strategy use during goal pursuit. Paper to be presented as part of K. M. Werner and B. Saunders (chairs), Building a strategy toolbox to enhance self-regulatory success. Symposium accepted to the 32nd Annual Meeting for the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL. (conference cancelled)
Milyavskaya, M., Werner, K. M., & Peetz, J. (2020, May). Flexible strategy use as an adaptive approach to self-regulation. Paper to be presented as part of K. M. Werner and B. Saunders (chairs), Building a strategy toolbox to enhance self-regulatory success. Symposium accepted to the 32nd Annual Meeting for the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL. (conference cancelled)
Werner, K. M., Milyavskaya, M., & Koestner, R. (2019, June). Motivational dynamics between romantic partners’ goal pursuit. Data blitz presented at the International Association for Relationship Research 2019 Mini-Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Werner, K. M., Milyavskaya, M., Inzlicht, M., & Hofmann, W. (2019, May). The motivational mechanisms of self-control. Paper presented at the 7th International Self-Determination Theory Conference, Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands.
Werner, K. M. (2019, March). Using pre-prints to improve and maximize the impact of your research. Paper presented as part of M. Nuijten (chair), Improving the quality of our research one step at a time. Symposium presented at the International Convention on Psychological Science, Paris, France.
Werner, K. M., Hofmann, W., & Milyavskaya, M. (2019, March). When is self-control necessary? Examining the motivational determinants of self-control. Paper presented as part of K. M. Werner and M. Friese (chairs), Beyond Inhibition: New directions in self-control. Symposium presented at the International Convention on Psychological Science, Paris, France.
Werner, K. M., & Milyavskaya, M. (2019, February). Integrating theories of goal pursuit. Data blitz presented at the Motivation Science Pre-Conference at the 18th Annual Conference of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, Portland, OR.
Werner, K. M., & Milyavskaya, M. (2018, July). Examining the relation between trait self-control and the use of implementation intentions during goal pursuit. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Convention of the European Conference on Personality, Zadar, Croatia.
Werner, K. M., & Milyavskaya, M. (2018, May). The role of trait self-control in the uptake of brief interventions to enhance goal attainment. Paper presented at the 30th Annual Meeting for the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.
Milyavskaya, M., & Werner, K. M. (2018, April). Motivation and goal pursuit: Contrasting academic and non-academic domains. Paper presented at the 2018 Annual Meeting for the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Werner, K. M., & Milyavskaya, M. (2017, June). Seeing the forest through the trees: Comparing theories of motivation and self-regulation in predicting goal attainment over time. Paper presented at the Center for Cognition, Learning, and Memory Summer School 2017, Weggis, Switzerland.
Werner, K. M., Milyavskaya, M., & Niemiec, C. P. (2017, June). All we need is love: The role of autonomy support and control from parents, friends, and teachers in the context of life goals. Paper accepted to be presented as part of K. M. Werner (Chair), Novel perspectives in examining the role of need supportive and controlling parenting styles across life domains. Symposium to be presented at the 78th Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.
Bouhmouch, S., Werner, K. M., Cooligan, F., & Milyavskaya, M. (2017, June). Bringing together motivation, flow and goal attainment: An experimental approach. Data blitz accepted to be presented at the 78th Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.
Capaldi, J. S., Werner, K. M., & Milyavskaya, M. (2017, June). The dark side of confidence: Is there a negative impact of high self-efficacy on effort and performance? Data blitz accepted to be presented at the 78th Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.
Paynter, A., Werner, K. M., & Peetz, J. (2017, June). Finding myself in you: Emerging adults’ identity development goals within romantic relationships. Data blitz accepted to be presented at the 78th Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.
Werner, K. M., & Milyavskaya, M. (2017, May). A model comparison approach to comparing theories of goal pursuit in predicting goal attainment over time. Paper accepted to be presented as part of M. Milyavskaya (Chair), Dynamics in Personal Goal Pursuit. Symposium to be presented at the 10th Annual Meeting for the Society for the Study of Motivation, Boston, MA.
Werner, K. M., & Milyavskaya, M. (2017, May). A model comparison approach to comparing theories of goal pursuit in predicting goal attainment over time. Paper accepted to be presented as part of M. Milyavskaya (Chair), Dynamics in Personal Goal Pursuit. Symposium to be presented at the 29th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Boston, MA.
Werner, K. M., & Milyavskaya, M. (2016, August). Exploring the relation between achievement aims and self-determined motivation on goal progress. In L. Haerens (Chair), Self-determination theory applications in educational and sports settings. Paper presented at the International Conference on Motivation 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Werner, K. M., & Milyavskaya, M. (2016, August). The determinants of successful goal pursuit. Paper presented at the 6th Summer School on Motivation and Emotion at the International Conference on Motivation 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Werner, K. M., Zelenski, J., Lindsay, D. S., & Capaldi, C. A. (2016, June). Promoting open science in Canada: Practical advice on how to incorporate research transparency at any stage of your career. Roundtable presented at the 2016 Canadian Psychological Association Convention, Victoria, BC.
Milyavskaya, M., & Werner, K. M. (2016, June). Some goals just feel easier: Self-concordance leads to goal progress through subjective ease, not effort. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Self-Determination Theory, June 2-5, 2016, Victoria, BC.
Werner, K. M., & Grouzet, F. M. E. (2015, June). Personal goals and well-being: Evidence for the dual valuing process model. Paper presented at the datablitz session during the 2015 Social and Personality Preconference at the Canadian Psychological Association Convention, Ottawa, ON.
Werner, K. M., & Grouzet, F. M. E. (2015, June). Different parenting styles promote different goals: The effect of mothers’ autonomy support and conditional regard on valuing processes and well-being among adolescents. In F.M.E. Grouzet (Chair), Differential parenting: The differential impact of parenting goals and styles on children’s development and well-being. Paper presented at the 2015 Canadian Psychological Association Convention, Ottawa, ON.
Awarded the Brendan Gail Rule Award for best graduate research of the Social-Personality Section of the Canadian Psychological Association
Werner, K. M., & Niemiec, C. P. (2012, August). Parental conditional regard as a predictor of relative extrinsic value orientation: Testing two models based on Self-Determination Theory. Paper presented at the 4th Summer School on Motivation and Emotion at the International Conference on Motivation 2012, Frankfurt, Germany.